Can Smart Thermostats Save Me Money?

by Pierce Refrigeration

Posted on January 15, 2021 at 10:45 AM

This bright idea will save money; buy a smart thermostat and save 10 percent on your energy bill.

Smart Thermostats offer homeowners the convenience of remotely controlling a home’s heating and cooling performance from anywhere. The Wi-Fi enabled device first hit the markets in 2007 and has become a rising trend in homes across the country, but the question to consider is: do they actually save homeowners money?

The short answer is, yes. Smart Thermostats save homeowners up  to 10% a year on heating and cooling energy bills when used correctly. Through Wi-Fi enablement, homeowners can access their thermostat anytime and anywhere.

Below are a few of the benefits of using a Smart Thermostat:

Adjusting Temperature on the go

If you are on vacation or just down the street and forgot to adjust the temperature of your home before leaving, you can quickly update the thermostat from your mobile device.


Geofencing is a virtual barrier established by using GPS or radio frequency identification that determines when you are home and when you are away. When geofencing is enabled on your Smart Thermostat it will start to adjust the temperature setting of your home for you, without you having to do a thing.

Smart thermostats save money and can be installed by an HVAC dealer in your area.

Create Temperature Schedules

Smart Thermostats can create a schedule to automatically adjust your temperature controls. Some Smart Thermostat users establish a schedule where the temperature changes depending on daylight. This is especially helpful in the winter months when the heater is often using significantly more energy.

Humidity Control Feature

Most homeowners experience large fluctuations in energy bills in the summer and winter months. During the hot summer months, the air conditioner is often working overtime to keep temperature and humidity levels down. With Smart Thermostats, users can keep a home warmer than usual while still ensuring humidity control. As a reminder, your energy bill is lowest when the temperature differences between inside and outside are smallest. Learn more about humidity levels in the home here.

Don’t throw money out the window, hire a professional HVAC technician to install a Smart Thermostat.

If you are interested in switching from a Standard Programmable Thermostat to a Smart Thermostat, make sure to contact a licensed and professional HVAC technician to determine if your heating and cooling systems are capable of that transition. The unique wiring requirements may be incompatible with some equipment.

Keep in mind that regular software updates are required for the Smart Thermostat to work at optimal proficiency. Putting a reminder in your phone to routinely update your thermostat is an easy way to get the most out of your Smart Thermostat.

Installing a Smart Thermostat is an effective way to conserve energy in your home and save money on your energy bill. To learn more tips about how you can lower your energy bills, check out our blog post, 12 Tips for Lowering Your Heating Bill.

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